Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Learning To Boost Your Self Esteem Changes The Quality Of

Self-esteem is a person's psychological evaluation of his or her own Self-worth. This concept describes a person's ability to view himself in a favorable manner. To put it simply, self-esteem deals with your ability to and the level with which you like yourself. 
Self-esteem Is the Key to Happiness 
Self-esteem is a crucial component of your mental health. The way that you feel about yourself will affect many other aspects of your life. It determines how you deal with stress, how you form relationships, your confidence levels, anxiety, success, leadership and many other factors that play a significant role in your daily life. 
Self-esteem Affects the Quality of Your Life 
People who hold themselves in low self-regard usually find that their lives are lacking many of the elements that bring happiness. This is a dangerous self-perpetuating cycle that needs to be broken. The low self image creates a void of good relationships, successes, positive physical image in a person's life. These missing elements cause unhappiness and thus reinforce the low self-esteem. The negativity feeds itself. To stop this requires action. A person with low self-esteem will have to seek help and take positive action to reverse the effects. The good thing is that like negative self-esteem, positive self-esteem also feeds itself so getting started and taking regular steps is usually all it takes to reverse the process. 
How Do You Feel About Yourself 
It is important to have an understanding of where you stand with regard to your self-esteem. This is the only way to know for sure whether action needs to be taken or changes need to be made. This section contains some simple tests to help you evaluate your self-esteem. If you feel that, your self-esteem is low, start making the necessary changes today. Every minute that you wait, another crucial victory may slip away and another door is left open for the cold drafts of failure to waft in. 
Low Self-esteem Robs Your Ability to Succeed 
Allowing yourself to maintain low self-esteem is like inviting failure and negativity to come in and take control of your life. In some cases, it can be quite dangerous. Low self-esteem can lead to depression, which depending on the severity; can cause much more significant physical and psychological conditions. If you feel that you are becoming depressed, it is important that you seek help. There are many professionals available to help you regain your happiness and productivity. 
Feeling poorly about yourself also has a tendency to prevent you from achieving success. This is because it affects your motivation to try, to make the effort, to take the risk, to make the changes necessary to succeed. It causes us accept negative situations in life that normally we would not tolerate such as abuse, disrespect, neglect or any other unfair treatment. If these things sound familiar to you, look over some of the articles and resources in this section to find out how you can start improving your self-esteem today. 
Too Much Self-love 
There is such a thing as too much self-esteem. In many cases, someone who appears to have too much self-esteem, that is, they seem to love themselves a bit too much, is simply trying to overcompensate for their low self-esteem. These people have serious doubts about their own worth and abilities but they put up a fa?ade to hide it. This is usually due to the fear that if others sense your Self-doubt, they will lose faith or trust in your abilities, which could present other problems. This is especially common in competitive environments such as sports, the workplace, school, etc. 
Overconfidence, Arrogance And Conceit 
On the other hand, recent studies have found that there are people for whom this is not a front at all. These people actually do have too much self-esteem. They think abnormally highly of themselves. That is, they truly believe that they are better than everyone else is. Not surprisingly, some of these studies have shown that a significant number of prison inmates seem to have this attribute. Does over confidence and an abnormally high level of Self-regard make a person more prone to criminal activity? Is this typical narcissism? More studies will likely be needed to make such a determination but common sense tells me that the idea stands to reason. If I thought I was better than everyone else was, I would have little or at least a lesser regard for his or her rights, or the rules of society for that matter. I might very well be more prone to criminal activity. At this point, it is not much more than food for thought of course. 
For the most part, it is always useful to pursue improving self-esteem. As long as it is realistic, a well developed sense of Self-worth can be a major asset and will bring many positive benefits to your life. High self-esteem will allow you to be confident and happy. It helps you to remain highly motivated in the face of challenge and maintain the right attitude to succeed. 
Improving Self-esteem Will Improve Your Life 
Learn to love yourself but do not overdo it. High self-esteem will improve your life but believing that you are better than or more important than everyone else is likely to damage your relationships and injure your ability to succeed rather than help it. It is a good idea to find a health balance, a middle ground (so to speak.)


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